Matthew 6:20,21
"...lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust destroys,
and where thieves do not break in and steal.

For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also."

Your heart is where your treasure is.

Laying up treasures in heaven - Your heart will be in
or on Heaven.
These are those who have their minds on heavenly things.
1 Corinthians 15:48.
And who shall bear the image of the heavenly Man, Jesus.
1 Corinthians 15:49
This means we have been born of a the second Adam.
Born again.

1 Peter 1:3-21
verses 3-4
"Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who according to His abundant mercy
has begotten us again
a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from
the dead,
an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled
and that doesn't fade away,
reserved IN HEAVEN FOR YOU."

Our hope is a living hope. It is alive in us!
It is a part of our birthing, for we went from hopeless to
having hope!

And our inheritance is in heaven,
which is not subject to being stolen nor corruption.

The moth is an interesting point, as it is something that
eats away at things.
Our inheritance is safe from that.

1 Peter 1
verse 5
This inheritance is kept for
"you who are kept by the power of God
through faith for salvation

ready to be revealed at the last time."

This is another layer of salvation, or a salvation being
waited for, rather than a salvation already present.
Note the word "time".

verse 6
"In this you greatly rejoice..."
And so we should. For there is more of salvation!

"...though for a little while, if need be,
you have been grieved by various trials,

that the genuineness of your faith,
much more precious than gold that perishes,
it is tested by fire,
may be found t opraise, honor, and glory at
the revelation of Jesus Christ. "

Our faith is more precious than gold.
More valuable. More rare than gold, for faith is to be tested,
proven and tried.
This is the genuineness of our faith, a quality,
that is more rare than gold, of more value to God.

Therefore, it is of a higher currency value. That is, it moves higher things.
I would say it is the currency of heaven.
It only works in heaven.
For that is where we are positioned - IN Christ.

With faith more precious than gold -- that is tested by fire,
or it may be, faith tested and held to,
will be found in the end.

Jesus was always looking for faith. I wonder what we would find
if we look into the times He found faith and
the times when He found little.
I think we usually remember the times of little faith because
most of us feel we have very little.

Whose praise, honor and glory is faith to be found
At the revelation of Him.
Revelation means to take the lid off to show what is inside,
it is to show what has been hidden.

1 Peter 1
verse 8
"whom having not seen you love.
Though now you do not see,
yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and
full of glory..."

There is the joy of those whose hope is well placed,
that is whose hope is anchored to Jesus, in the presence of God.

What kind of hope is this again? A live hope. It is alive.
Hebrews 6:18 says our soul is anchored to Jesus by this hope.
"...which hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
both sure and steadfast,
and which enters into that within the veil."
The presence of God was in the holy of holies behind the veil.
When Jesus died on the cross, this thick physical veil
in the Jewish tabernacle and place of sacrifice in that day,
was torn
- top to bottom.
No human hands did that.

Our hope is anchored in the presence of God,
and our privilege to enter His presence, to be with Him.
Which is heart changing.

"...receiving the end of your faith
the salvation of your souls."

The end of their faith.

Let's review:
We have been given, like them, a living hope.
For if we too have been begotten of God again, we have
this same hope.

We have an inheritance in heaven, that is reserved for us.
And we are kept by the power of God through faith for

There is a power of God through faith here, for salvation.
Whose faith?
He keeps us by His power through our faith.
Even if we have trials, that in the KJV are called
"manifold heaviness",
for we are to know that our faith has to be worked over,
has to be tried, even by fire.

But we are anchored to Jesus by this hope.
Who is in the trial with us then?

Whose yoke are we in?
Jesus' yoke. He is pulling us, leading us, taking us through.

Peter states that although these do not yet see Jesus,
their hope is fixed, their faith is qualified to be
holding onto the end of their salvation anyway,
as if - because the end is theirs by promise,
therefore, they are RECEIVING the end of their faith,
the salvation they hope and believe for,
in fullness, or in completeness.

Present tense - are receiving.

1 Peter 1
verse 10-11
"Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched
who prophesied of the grace to you"
(italics removed)

They prophesied of our grace and inquired of God and
searched for this same grace we now have...

verse 11
"...searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ
who was in them was indicating
when He testified..."

Who testified?
The Spirit of Christ that was in them.

"...testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and teh glories
that would follow.

verse 12
"To them it was revealed that, not to themselves,
BUT TO US they were ministering the things which have now
been reported to you
through those who have preached the gospel to you by the
Holy Spirit sent from heaven --
things which angels desire to look into."

How is that for provision?
People fuss about translations of the bible and which book
was omitted and why. Yet the Holy Spirit caused the apostles t
to teach us according to God's ways and confirm what was
prophetic and what was not.
Men may have done whatever, but the Holy Spirit made sure
that every word the apostles quoted, every mystery revealed
at the end time that was before hidden in the Old Testament,
was included fully, for us.

The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. Revelations 19:10
 Get used to it. God does not think in a straight line. He is
very much on all sides of all things, and His actions include
prophecy, fulfillment and reaching into the next He has,
by faith.
Because if it is purposed in His heart,
He has already done it.
He is that true and faithful.

So our hope and faith is to lead us to the end of our salvation,
and at that point in God's purposes where Jesus is
and we see Him.
Him who we love.

Oh joy inexpressible! and full of glory!
We will see Him whom we love!

1 Peter 1
verse 13-16
"Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind,
be sober,
and rest
hope fully
the grace
that is to be brought to you
at the revelation of Jesus Christ

as obediant children,
not conforming yourselves
to the former lusts, in your ignorance;

BUT as he who called you is holy,
you also be holy in all your conduct,
because it is written,
"Be holy for I am holy". "

That's an echo of Leviticus 11:44

You cannot make yourself holy.
You can however ask of God.

verses 17-21

"And if you call on the Father,
who without partiality judges according to each one's
work, conduct yourselves thoughout the time of your stay
in fear;

knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things,
silver or gold,
from your aimless conduct by tradition from your fathers..."

Did he just say that? That aimless conduct produces
silver and gold. That the traditon of our fathers to use money
as the end of the rainbow... ?
Me thinks so.

Jesus said the treasures on earth are subject to death etc.

"knowing you were not redeemed..." with these

as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."

Our Father has another value system doesn't He?
He regards His Son's blood as PRECIOUS.
Blood has become MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD and
IS THE CURRENCY we were bought with!

Jesus' blood was the treasure of God
given FOR us!
To redeem us from the hand of the wicked one.

verse 20-21
"He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world,
but was manifest in these last times
for you

who through Him believe in God,
who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory,

so that your faith and hope are in God. "

Faith and hope again.

"Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind"
This requires a change of mind.

Strongs #1271 - The Greek word for "mind" means:
mind, thinking, understanding;
This is the part of the inner person that thinks and processes
information into understanding,
including the making of choices,
the seat of which is
the heart."

Where your heart is... very important. You will be wherever
your heart is, and your heart will be wherever or in whatever
you treasure.
If you treasure the things that can be stolen from you,
take heed, because along with them can go your heart.

Peter says
Gird up
Be sober and

"Gird up" is a single word meaning "to bind" or
"prepare for action". Strong's #328 in the Greek.

Prepare for action
Be sober and

Let's go back to Jesus in Matthew 6:22,23 and follow up.
I am going to use the King James version here because
it is closer to the meanings of the Greek words.

"The light of the body is the eye:

If therefore thine eye be single,

thy whole body will be full of light.

But if thine eye be evil,

thy whole body shall be full of darkness."

A single eye denotes focus.

Jesus then said,

"If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness,
how great is that darkness!"

A single eye
An eye that is evil.

Where we set our eyes, what we look at, give our attention to,
gaze at,
is an important choice.
Eye on the prize, people say.

Where we look, we go. The body follows the eyes, the focus.
But according to Jesus, what we look at fills us.
Light comes in and fills our body.
Strongs #4983 is the Greek word soma, which is translated body
here. And it means the mass of anything, and even refers to the
corporate Body of Christ. So it not the physical body.
Instead, it is the whole of you.
The whole me will be filled with light if I focus on He Who is
The Light.

Where is Moses for consultation when we need him?
But yes, I think this is the same.

And what we focus on, what we set our eye on and treasure,
value, appreciate...
This can become our master. I'd say it already is.

Paul said he pressed "toward the mark
for the prize
the high calling in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

And then says, verse 15
"Let us therefore, as many as be perfect,
be thus minded:

and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded,
God shall reveal this unto you."

Proverbs 20:27
"The spirit of a man
is the lamp of the Lord,
searching all the inner depths
of his heart."

Our Father's eye. The focus of God.
The treasure He is hoping and working for in us.
The treasure we have in Jesus, Whom Father also

With these truths gazing at us, shall we not
return their gaze?

This is high favor! This is the grace we have been
appointed to!
Mercy and truth go before His FACE
Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound,
the sound of His mercy and grace in that location!
They walk O Lord in the light of Thy Countenance.
Psalm 89:14,15.

Should we not treasure according to Our Father's

For we are the pearl of great price to Him!
So His heart is with us. We are His treasure,
Whom He paid His most precious treasure for!

Do you love Jesus?
Has your hope become such love that you treasure Him too?


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