A New Song

We are God's music.
We are His Creativity played before the world and each other.

Wherever He breaths life, speaks, utters His voice there is...

Creation worships Him... All creation sings!
We join in.
The heavens declare His Glory!
We join in.

But in us He puts A New Song.
New music.
Never heard before until me, until you.
Each of us our own song or psalm...
Songs of The Almighty that He plays
in and through our lives by Holy Spirit.

God speaks to me like a musical chord, arranging scriptures
which together to reveal an aspect, a small bit of His truth,
His manna broken off for me for this day,
as I give Him that kind of freedom.
It may not sound original to someone else, or it may build, expound on truth I have once known
or heard before.
But His truth resounds in me.
Vibrates in me.
Tunes me.

His truth sets me free to be myself, to be responsive to Him
as He created me to be,
To be as He intentionally designed me to be.

His truth stirs in me what He's put in me.
...And it stirs the true me,
the very me deep within that He created me to be,
that only He can reach...
That secret of my heart that responds only to Him,
is moved, and moves back towards Him, in response to Him, His love,
His attention, His reality... His song.
His stirring frees me.
And out of me comes the same, moving freely
to affect the world of people around me...
in turn tuning them...

Deep calling unto deep. ~ Psalm 42

My life, my way of life, my living
becomes in response to God's artistry in me.
Playing on the strings of my heart,
He is making me full of His song...
And my life thus becomes
His expression.

I believe that He is the Master Musician.
I believe that He plays His music on our hearts...
as we open to Him.
Even if we don't know how but we just want to be open to Him,
today, this hour,
He takes the opportunity we give Him
to play what is His.

I believe that not all of our songs are the same.
I believe your song is not the same as my song.
But in Him these are in harmony in His symphony,
that they coalesce.

God's truth in us resounds on different levels within us.
Shaking us into life.
There are parts of our life song that aren't perhaps as sweet as
other portions. But it all is the same song and it all belongs to Him.

Just as a rich, dark cloth becomes the ideal backdrop for a
treasure to be seen at it's best,
so our lives may indeed have somber tones, even dark notes
that exist so that
When He plays the sweetest melody above them,
those dear, sweet notes, they glisten even moreso.

We are made in God's image.
We are called to His music.
We are indeed being taught to play His music right along with Him.
We are made to play as He plays,
to reach the highest and the lowest,
following His notations
as He delivers them to us.

We are made to be glad for His ability
to create His sound, His way
by His Spirit
within us...
And we are made to rejoice in all He does
in us and for us
and with us!

I see Him sitting at His keyboard,
His fingers gracing the notes of His choice
The Great Virtuoso expressing His Expertise upon the keys,
combining and recombining
here a little, there a little.
Movement after movement,
perfectly arranged...
The Great Master Composer.

He takes our lives and makes them unique, doesn't He?
He takes everything He has put in us and puts it to use in His song,
His life, His composition within us,
growing and changing within us.
And growing and changing us
with His song.

He designs and possesses the mighty, thundering waves and swells,
as well as the sweet raindrops of accent notes over melodies,
...just for us.

He catches us off guard with the newness of His creativity,
and satisfies us deeply with what we've heard Him play before,
and plays again to remind us...
He even repeats some patterns and notes here and there for us to catch on to.
We are after all, still learning.
And it will take an eternity to hear and experience His entire repertoire. :)

Have confidence in Him for He is always making greatness!
HIS Greatness within us!
Always moving, directing His sound,
His billows of His Spirit rising and falling over us and in us and through us...
We move and have our being in His movements,
His concerto,
the song He puts within us.

He has put a new song in my mouth --praise to our God;
   many will see and fear, And will trust in the Lord. ~ Psalm 40
      All Your waves and billows have gone over me. ~ Psalm 42
For You, O Lord have made me glad through Your work;
   I will triumph in the works of Your hands.  ~ Psalm 92

We are His vessels, His instruments,
Created as He saw fit.
Recreated as He sees fit by His Spirit.

His song is...
Sung in us.
Ordained for us.
Birthed in us.
Sung by us unto Him.
Lived by us unto Him.
Played exactly as He plays in us, in tune and in timing,
full of His expression,
waiting at His every rest, yielding to His every change...
Realizing Him on every note of every chord, and every echo of every sound.

With Him.
Carrying His very song in us,
His sound in the earth.
Creation in tune with Creator.
Vibrating and resounding together.

John 17:20-26

(All Bible scripture quoted from the New King James version.)


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