We are called to be as Jesus is. I speak to the believer on Jesus, who knows some scripture on the
matters I will touch on here. I just want to share...
What shoes we have to fill, what a walk we are called to, what a placement we are in, to be born into
such a high calling!
What can compare to this calling? It is higher than us! It is broader than us! It is realer than us, realer
than anything we have ever known! We did not author it and we cannot control it. In fact, we have
no way to figure it out, except by walking with the Holy Spirit sent to us.
How then shall we fulfill this calling? Jesus said what's flesh is flesh and what's spirit is spirit. So there
is an elemental category of what things are.
Remember the law in the old testament, how there were physical elements that had meaning, and God
called His people to participate in celebrations of miracles past, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, known as Passover. They did pass over.
And then the celebration of Purim, when God's people were able toact in self-defense and remain in the earth, avoiding annihilation by God setting His chosen ones inpositions where they walked in authority in the earth.
Flesh things it would seem with natural elements. But the deeper truths of Who God is within them.
God was continuously showing His plan to bring The Messiah.
God fulfilled all these shadows and types in Christ Jesus....
Jesus said the calling to be born again was not a natural thing, but it was a spiritual thing.
A doing of God by Holy Spirit, not of what had been known before.
Paul said to us, what has begun in the Spirit cannot be fulfilled by the flesh.
I cannot fully tell you what that means, but I can say that God by Holy Spirit called both jew and gentile into One New Man, a re-creation of God, by His will, even His good pleasure, to unite us in Christ Jesus!
This is a wonder!
It is a mystery and yet it is revealed to us in the word.
Yes, we need to wonder what this is that God has done when we are born again in Christ Jesus and we need to know whom He has made us to be.
What a unity, a placement, a foundation on Christ Jesus. A whole new life and way of living that was not yet known until God chose to reveal it.
And He has revealed in Christ Jesus, The New Covenant that stands, that is upheld by two immutables,
Father God and His Son, Christ Jesus Himself! Meaning, God cannot change!
Meaning Father and Son will not change nor relent that the New Covenant they have made will rule men's hearts and is HOW our calling stands fast:
FULLY reliant upon them!
And Praise God, not on us!!
This NEW Covenant with all benefits and graces towards us.... And yet-to-be-discovered things!
God Himself has begun to reveal over the ages, having made known to us by His new ministries:
the 5-fold expression of Holy Spirit governing for the preparation,
the raising up and the maturing of the entire body of Christ...
These things are wrought in heaven for us, yet are in us, in the earth,
in the flesh that we are... written on our hearts...
We are not called to flesh, to the understanding of the flesh, but are called to be made new in our minds to understand things of Spirit!
We have to understand that if we have the Holy Spirit in-filling, we are no longer the old, but the new.
...We had to be made new by God to contain Holy Spirit. Jesus called this "new wine skins" for
He said, the old cannot contain the new.
Jesus turned water into wine as His first miracle. He spoke of the calling to the wedding feast in parables,
and He became a Bridegroom to His Bride,
which is more than the jewish population,
the Bride is all those who believe on Him.
But as Esther was prepared for a King, we are to be prepared by Holy Spirit for our King!
--> If we have received Jesus Christ as our sacrifice for our sins, we are cleansed and made new,
and thereby
readied for an in-filling of His wine that celebrates the wedding to be!! HALLELUJAH!!
A prophetic understanding placed in us by a transformation of our very being, the vessel that we are, changed! This is accomplished by God's power, by His way of doing things!
We are often not told this. We are usually told today that we are flesh and whoa is us!
But the word clearly teaches that we are made into a new creature IN Christ Jesus.
... Jesus lives in us, but we are also alive IN Him. Both.
And this birthing INTO is done by Holy Spirit power!
And we need the testimony of who we are the same -- by Holy Spirit power!
If you as you read this have not had the testimony of the Holy Spirit poured into you, the blessing and
provision of God that is spoken of in Acts chapter 2 and throughout the new testament, then you need to seek God for Him to fill you!
This is the wine of God. You need to receive this wine. You need to because you need to know that you have been prepared for such. This is for you to know that you have been transformed!!
Your salvation is not dependent on this receiving, but your calling is! There is power that needs to reside within you to help you to receive the truth of the word of God and bring His words to life in your life, to write them in your very be-ing, so that you experience and live - truth.
The word of God is powerful, and it creates.
It says WE have been re-created -- that's past tense!
We cry out for the world's problems when we pray.
We also need to be moved to speak the word in prayer to Father God and say to Him "I want what You have for me" and
position ourselves to receive it.
A popular teaching is the "be still and know I am God", which leads many to be quiet in prayer. David was not quiet. Samuel was not quiet, nor was his Mom, Hannah. Jesus was not quiet. Paul
was not quiet, nor was Peter, especially on the day of Pentacost.
Nobody in the word was quiet and without words unless they were fearful or shocked or dismayed...
Even jewish folk "mull" the scriptures when they meditate.
Nobody is quiet. They are all actively speaking.
Surely, our souls need to rest, which is a place of trust that is beautiful,
But our mouths have the power of life and death in them.
"I want more life, Jesus!" should be our cry. "I want to know the truth of Your word, Father!" should be our desire.
Paul says that the Holy Spirit cries out within us "Abba Father" and Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would not only comfort us but lead us, guide us, reveal to us ALL Truth and lead us INTO Truth.
Speaking in tongues is praying directly to God without the editing of the our minds and thought patterns... How can we have the things of God evident to us if we are trying to remain in control our prayer life, when God wants to powerfully take our tongue and pray His way?
That, my friend, is trust in God.
So... Our calling cannot be reached by flesh and blood and by believing only pieces of truth. Our unity asChrist Jesus' Body, to function and to resolve issues in the earth, even to become a help to those in need, ...this cannot come by physical and mental energies.
We are compassionate of course, we care and we are wanting God to work in the earth around us... but we need to untie His hands, and often and give His strength the room He has made in us, the place He is calling us to allow Him to have.
We absolutely need strength on the inward parts. We need God's way of doing things. We need to know,
by experience, what God is like so we can trust Him even more! ...If we could do it ourselves, what is the Holy Spirit for?
The Catholic Church has heralded Peter as a wonder of God because he preached when Holy Spirit came, and yet, that was not Peter's personality. That was Holy Spirit's personality.
When there comes a mighty loud word from God in power that changes people and shakes them up, a word that calls them to look to God, to repent, to turn to God,
and a word that breaks through the chaotic words and confusion of men to say "God is here"
and this is the way,
that is Holy Spirit.
I don't criticize the body of Christ, I don't want to and I have nothing against us.
But God continues to lay on my heart that we all need to receive His promises and there is nothing we can do in our mental calisthenics and our seeking of things spiritual outside of the word of God that can accomplish what
God purposed by His word.
God promised us - that is His word.
God is faithful - He accomplishes what He says by His word.
His word is alive, His word is Jesus.
When I speak the word, I am speaking Jesus. That is beyond what my brain can handle!
When I believe the word, I am believing Jesus. When I reject the word, ...oh my!
In Hebrews we find that many died in the wilderness due to unbelief. They did not take the word of God and hold it as truth and desire to live by it. They complained about the manna He gave.
We can hear the word of God and not give it it's rightful place.
Even want things our way instead of His way.
Oh my!
In us, there is a Throne Room for God, in our very beings, and He is present within us only by Jesus Christ.
Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. This is an eternal mystery. This is only something that God can do...
And it is by Holy Spirit.
But is Jesus living in rags, when He is royalty?
Shall the place where Jesus dwells remain un-affected? Can it?
Shall Jesus live quietly within us, un-assuming and characteristically small?
Shall Jesus only be sweet and not - cleanse the temple?
Jesus in us and His expression through us is all subject to our understanding of Him, our acceptance
of Him as He is,
...that is, our hearing and believe Him, the word, the Truth.
Shall we take Him and eat of Him and hold Him before Holy Spirit,
and let Holy Spirit work with our hearts to truly know Him as He is,
and be like Him?
Or shall we dishonor the calling by deeming the word of God insignificant for today,
and a word that has no power unto us,
and continue in our semi-darkness and work things out
ourselves in this life?
Two immutable things... Two Who do not change... EVER
...Jesus, the Rock of our salvation
and Father God,
by Jesus willed the worlds into their place.
And Father God Whose heart has been revealed in Christ Jesus,
and by them,
This Covenant that has brought already what was promised -- a change of heart,
instead of hard, stoney hearts we have pliable, flesh hearts able
to receive the word of God.
The very center of our be-ing,
the place where all our thoughts and words come from...
This is now subject to the word of God.
This change is WHY when God's word comes, we are moved.... AMEN!!
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he", "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks"...
"I have set before thee life and death... choose life."
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?"
We have a calling that is more than the first moment we receive Jesus.
And it is not dependent on us to perform.
Don't follow the lie, the half-truth, the bit that you know all by
We have a great and mighty God Who spoke His word to us, and stands ready
to perform it
IN us!
He already has done for us what is needed.
Do we believe this?
It was needed that we have a new be-ing within us, a brand new life that also
requires Holy Spirit in His fullness to come in and live in us,
and through us,
to affect the world around us.
This is why the persecution came in the early days of the Body of Christ. This is why the world was changed. This is why the apostles were running for their lives.
....This is why the word of God IS so valuable ...and IS so feared.
A generation like never before is going to roll with God and His word and do things His way,
and already is upon us.
...Will we let God play our part through us? And will we cooperate with Father by Holy Spirit and be Christ in the earth?
Will we ready ourselves in His name by yielding to Holy Spirit and be the changed ones?
Will we yield our will to God and allow Holy Spirit to fill us,
no matter what this causes us to become?
Will we lay down the reputations we have walked in,
lose this life...
and gain Christ?
That we may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and be made conformable unto His death...
That we may stand before Him approved of?
That we may be living in His life so abundantly that we
are bride-ready? That bride who can walk with Christ for Eternity?
What say ye?
I say Yea and Amen, because that is what Father says to me!!
Hear ye Him!!!
By hearing the word, you cannot fail Him!!!
By hearing the word, you will have the faith you need to believe His word!!
In His words, our calling is sure!!!
As He is, so are we, in the earth!!!
In Him we live and move and have our be-ing!!!
Who else can we be, but who He says we ARE? ...The bible tells me so!!
We are HIS New Creation, ruled and governed by HIS New Covenant!!
I encourage you to get ahold of the truth of your calling in Christ Jesus and partake of the wondrous
graces He has for you today!!!
matters I will touch on here. I just want to share...
What shoes we have to fill, what a walk we are called to, what a placement we are in, to be born into
such a high calling!
What can compare to this calling? It is higher than us! It is broader than us! It is realer than us, realer
than anything we have ever known! We did not author it and we cannot control it. In fact, we have
no way to figure it out, except by walking with the Holy Spirit sent to us.
How then shall we fulfill this calling? Jesus said what's flesh is flesh and what's spirit is spirit. So there
is an elemental category of what things are.
Remember the law in the old testament, how there were physical elements that had meaning, and God
called His people to participate in celebrations of miracles past, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, known as Passover. They did pass over.
And then the celebration of Purim, when God's people were able toact in self-defense and remain in the earth, avoiding annihilation by God setting His chosen ones inpositions where they walked in authority in the earth.
Flesh things it would seem with natural elements. But the deeper truths of Who God is within them.
God was continuously showing His plan to bring The Messiah.
God fulfilled all these shadows and types in Christ Jesus....
Jesus said the calling to be born again was not a natural thing, but it was a spiritual thing.
A doing of God by Holy Spirit, not of what had been known before.
Paul said to us, what has begun in the Spirit cannot be fulfilled by the flesh.
I cannot fully tell you what that means, but I can say that God by Holy Spirit called both jew and gentile into One New Man, a re-creation of God, by His will, even His good pleasure, to unite us in Christ Jesus!
This is a wonder!
It is a mystery and yet it is revealed to us in the word.
Yes, we need to wonder what this is that God has done when we are born again in Christ Jesus and we need to know whom He has made us to be.
What a unity, a placement, a foundation on Christ Jesus. A whole new life and way of living that was not yet known until God chose to reveal it.
And He has revealed in Christ Jesus, The New Covenant that stands, that is upheld by two immutables,
Father God and His Son, Christ Jesus Himself! Meaning, God cannot change!
Meaning Father and Son will not change nor relent that the New Covenant they have made will rule men's hearts and is HOW our calling stands fast:
FULLY reliant upon them!
And Praise God, not on us!!
This NEW Covenant with all benefits and graces towards us.... And yet-to-be-discovered things!
God Himself has begun to reveal over the ages, having made known to us by His new ministries:
the 5-fold expression of Holy Spirit governing for the preparation,
the raising up and the maturing of the entire body of Christ...
These things are wrought in heaven for us, yet are in us, in the earth,
in the flesh that we are... written on our hearts...
We are not called to flesh, to the understanding of the flesh, but are called to be made new in our minds to understand things of Spirit!
We have to understand that if we have the Holy Spirit in-filling, we are no longer the old, but the new.
...We had to be made new by God to contain Holy Spirit. Jesus called this "new wine skins" for
He said, the old cannot contain the new.
Jesus turned water into wine as His first miracle. He spoke of the calling to the wedding feast in parables,
and He became a Bridegroom to His Bride,
which is more than the jewish population,
the Bride is all those who believe on Him.
But as Esther was prepared for a King, we are to be prepared by Holy Spirit for our King!
--> If we have received Jesus Christ as our sacrifice for our sins, we are cleansed and made new,
and thereby
readied for an in-filling of His wine that celebrates the wedding to be!! HALLELUJAH!!
A prophetic understanding placed in us by a transformation of our very being, the vessel that we are, changed! This is accomplished by God's power, by His way of doing things!
We are often not told this. We are usually told today that we are flesh and whoa is us!
But the word clearly teaches that we are made into a new creature IN Christ Jesus.
... Jesus lives in us, but we are also alive IN Him. Both.
And this birthing INTO is done by Holy Spirit power!
And we need the testimony of who we are the same -- by Holy Spirit power!
If you as you read this have not had the testimony of the Holy Spirit poured into you, the blessing and
provision of God that is spoken of in Acts chapter 2 and throughout the new testament, then you need to seek God for Him to fill you!
This is the wine of God. You need to receive this wine. You need to because you need to know that you have been prepared for such. This is for you to know that you have been transformed!!
Your salvation is not dependent on this receiving, but your calling is! There is power that needs to reside within you to help you to receive the truth of the word of God and bring His words to life in your life, to write them in your very be-ing, so that you experience and live - truth.
The word of God is powerful, and it creates.
It says WE have been re-created -- that's past tense!
We cry out for the world's problems when we pray.
We also need to be moved to speak the word in prayer to Father God and say to Him "I want what You have for me" and
position ourselves to receive it.
A popular teaching is the "be still and know I am God", which leads many to be quiet in prayer. David was not quiet. Samuel was not quiet, nor was his Mom, Hannah. Jesus was not quiet. Paul
was not quiet, nor was Peter, especially on the day of Pentacost.
Nobody in the word was quiet and without words unless they were fearful or shocked or dismayed...
Even jewish folk "mull" the scriptures when they meditate.
Nobody is quiet. They are all actively speaking.
Surely, our souls need to rest, which is a place of trust that is beautiful,
But our mouths have the power of life and death in them.
"I want more life, Jesus!" should be our cry. "I want to know the truth of Your word, Father!" should be our desire.
Paul says that the Holy Spirit cries out within us "Abba Father" and Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would not only comfort us but lead us, guide us, reveal to us ALL Truth and lead us INTO Truth.
Speaking in tongues is praying directly to God without the editing of the our minds and thought patterns... How can we have the things of God evident to us if we are trying to remain in control our prayer life, when God wants to powerfully take our tongue and pray His way?
That, my friend, is trust in God.
So... Our calling cannot be reached by flesh and blood and by believing only pieces of truth. Our unity asChrist Jesus' Body, to function and to resolve issues in the earth, even to become a help to those in need, ...this cannot come by physical and mental energies.
We are compassionate of course, we care and we are wanting God to work in the earth around us... but we need to untie His hands, and often and give His strength the room He has made in us, the place He is calling us to allow Him to have.
We absolutely need strength on the inward parts. We need God's way of doing things. We need to know,
by experience, what God is like so we can trust Him even more! ...If we could do it ourselves, what is the Holy Spirit for?
The Catholic Church has heralded Peter as a wonder of God because he preached when Holy Spirit came, and yet, that was not Peter's personality. That was Holy Spirit's personality.
When there comes a mighty loud word from God in power that changes people and shakes them up, a word that calls them to look to God, to repent, to turn to God,
and a word that breaks through the chaotic words and confusion of men to say "God is here"
and this is the way,
that is Holy Spirit.
I don't criticize the body of Christ, I don't want to and I have nothing against us.
But God continues to lay on my heart that we all need to receive His promises and there is nothing we can do in our mental calisthenics and our seeking of things spiritual outside of the word of God that can accomplish what
God purposed by His word.
God promised us - that is His word.
God is faithful - He accomplishes what He says by His word.
His word is alive, His word is Jesus.
When I speak the word, I am speaking Jesus. That is beyond what my brain can handle!
When I believe the word, I am believing Jesus. When I reject the word, ...oh my!
In Hebrews we find that many died in the wilderness due to unbelief. They did not take the word of God and hold it as truth and desire to live by it. They complained about the manna He gave.
We can hear the word of God and not give it it's rightful place.
Even want things our way instead of His way.
Oh my!
In us, there is a Throne Room for God, in our very beings, and He is present within us only by Jesus Christ.
Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. This is an eternal mystery. This is only something that God can do...
And it is by Holy Spirit.
But is Jesus living in rags, when He is royalty?
Shall the place where Jesus dwells remain un-affected? Can it?
Shall Jesus live quietly within us, un-assuming and characteristically small?
Shall Jesus only be sweet and not - cleanse the temple?
Jesus in us and His expression through us is all subject to our understanding of Him, our acceptance
of Him as He is,
...that is, our hearing and believe Him, the word, the Truth.
Shall we take Him and eat of Him and hold Him before Holy Spirit,
and let Holy Spirit work with our hearts to truly know Him as He is,
and be like Him?
Or shall we dishonor the calling by deeming the word of God insignificant for today,
and a word that has no power unto us,
and continue in our semi-darkness and work things out
ourselves in this life?
Two immutable things... Two Who do not change... EVER
...Jesus, the Rock of our salvation
and Father God,
by Jesus willed the worlds into their place.
And Father God Whose heart has been revealed in Christ Jesus,
and by them,
This Covenant that has brought already what was promised -- a change of heart,
instead of hard, stoney hearts we have pliable, flesh hearts able
to receive the word of God.
The very center of our be-ing,
the place where all our thoughts and words come from...
This is now subject to the word of God.
This change is WHY when God's word comes, we are moved.... AMEN!!
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he", "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks"...
"I have set before thee life and death... choose life."
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?"
We have a calling that is more than the first moment we receive Jesus.
And it is not dependent on us to perform.
Don't follow the lie, the half-truth, the bit that you know all by
We have a great and mighty God Who spoke His word to us, and stands ready
to perform it
IN us!
He already has done for us what is needed.
Do we believe this?
It was needed that we have a new be-ing within us, a brand new life that also
requires Holy Spirit in His fullness to come in and live in us,
and through us,
to affect the world around us.
This is why the persecution came in the early days of the Body of Christ. This is why the world was changed. This is why the apostles were running for their lives.
....This is why the word of God IS so valuable ...and IS so feared.
A generation like never before is going to roll with God and His word and do things His way,
and already is upon us.
...Will we let God play our part through us? And will we cooperate with Father by Holy Spirit and be Christ in the earth?
Will we ready ourselves in His name by yielding to Holy Spirit and be the changed ones?
Will we yield our will to God and allow Holy Spirit to fill us,
no matter what this causes us to become?
Will we lay down the reputations we have walked in,
lose this life...
and gain Christ?
That we may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and be made conformable unto His death...
That we may stand before Him approved of?
That we may be living in His life so abundantly that we
are bride-ready? That bride who can walk with Christ for Eternity?
What say ye?
I say Yea and Amen, because that is what Father says to me!!
Hear ye Him!!!
By hearing the word, you cannot fail Him!!!
By hearing the word, you will have the faith you need to believe His word!!
In His words, our calling is sure!!!
As He is, so are we, in the earth!!!
In Him we live and move and have our be-ing!!!
Who else can we be, but who He says we ARE? ...The bible tells me so!!
We are HIS New Creation, ruled and governed by HIS New Covenant!!
I encourage you to get ahold of the truth of your calling in Christ Jesus and partake of the wondrous
graces He has for you today!!!
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