Psalm 82: Flowing With God's Judgements PART 1
Intro: Before I am cast off into damnation for mentioning "judgement",
let me define the word, as used in this Psalm...
God "judges", which in Hebrew means that He "judges" (yes)
"decides, leads, defends, and vindicates".
This Hebrew word "sapat" has an extensive meaning that includes
"to execute judgement, to be brought to trial" and "to argue a matter".
Depending on which side of the cross you are on will determine
what kind of judgement you receive from God.
If you have accepted your need for a Savior and have recognized Jesus
is the Savior that God sent for you,
You know that God's judgement was that you needed His Salvation. :)
So by the judgement of God that came to pass through His Son, Jesus,
we know God's judgement is good, true and worth knowing,
And - for those of us who have accepted God's judgement against us and
our sin, and received His untold mercy to save us,
To us there is His judgement flowing still,
but it is His judgement
to do His will.
God has called us Who are now returned to relationship with our Father God,
to do His will.
Jesus did the will of His Father, and denied His own will. ( )
He said He did nothing of Himself. ( )
The word says He laid down His glory, His deity, His power as God
to become as a man,
to do God's will. ( )
He taught us to pray and said we would hear His voice, ( my sheep hear my voice )
so I believe we can conclusively say that --
We are called to live as Jesus lived -- in unity through Him with our Father,
One in purpose and One in testimony,
as Jesus prayed for us in John 15,
That we may be One with Him as He is One with His Father.
This includes His love, His mercy, His truth, and His judgement.
Which are hard to separate with our minds, but we find that we must look
at the heart of God expressed in His Word in order for us to give way
to understanding through the Holy Spirit.
First, look at Psalm 72 to see Who has all judgement already.
By the Holy Spirit we have Psalm 72:1 written with a picture,
"Give the king your judgements, O God and Your righteousness
to the king's Son."
This is prophetically spoken of Jesus, as a son of David as well as
a picture of God The King and The Son of God in a type: David and Solomon...
that God's judgements and His righteousness would be given
to His Son, Jesus.
(Note: Remember - the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.
The Old Testament had the truth, but it was in type and shadow,
the New Testament is the truths and plan of God revealed, shown to us plainly.)
And we have declared to us openly in the New Testament to support and show us --
In John 5 where Jesus explains...verse 26,
"For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son
to have life in Himself, **and has given Him authority to execute judgement**."
And then, we find Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of God, our Father,
in a position of ruling and reigning with God, "...and has sat down at the right hand
of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2 (c).
And in Revelation 3:21, Jesus says He is "sat down
**with My Father on His throne**."
With it being understood that Jesus is One with the Father on God's Throne,
If we like what we see of God's judgements through Jesus,
I believe, we can trust Him.
Do you agree?
This is Psalm 82 Flowing With God's Judgements - PART 1
"Let us not be weary in welldoing..." 2 Thessalonians 3:13 KJV,
or in the NKJV "do not grow weary doing good"...
We are not called to weariness, tiredness nor to faint!
We are promised that we will renew our strength if we wait on God.
So I hope you will wait with God with me on this Psalm,
and hear what God will say to your heart...
For our calling is sure, and it is more vast and encompasses more than we perhaps have been told?
We are called to know God, to know our Father, to know and
to walk in His paths...
Psalm 82 shares with us our calling --verses 3 and 4,
"Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy,
Free them from the hand of the wicked."
I can't think of anyone that I personally know who would not want to give their own time and energies,
even go to the wall for the sake of people who need defending, justice, release from affliction, and more...
This description is in other places in the Word,
and is worth studying to understand the nature of our calling.
However, because Jesus trained the disciples to walk like He walked,
to do as He did, we must realize that
We need this same training too!
We are not equipped until He equips us.
Meeting Jesus is not enough...
Do you know that God expects us to be able to do what He says
we can do through Him?
Do you know what Jesus gave the disciples to empower them to succeed at
what He instructed... And as we see, what He instructed, they accomplished?
That's right, the Holy Spirit. -- Jesus breathed on them and said
"Receive the Holy Ghost" ( ).
And then --
He sent them out.
We who have the benefit of the New Testament,
which is the revealing of God's hidden plan that was hidden for ages...
these being truths and teachings of what we have been created for
and what we are called to in Christ...
WE have both a high and holy calling...
What is your purpose? Read the New Testament and you will see.
Jesus said "Out of your bellies will flow rivers of living water."
You will experience the flowing of the river of God through you,
if you say 'Yes' to God's calling you.
Did you know there is a river of God?
Did you know He wants His river to flow through you?
Did you know that there is a flow?
To follow Jesus, we must choose God again, and again,
spend time on Him,
let Him empower us and reform us,
HIS way...
And turn from what Jesus turned from --
(You, Lord, are the potter, I am the clay.)
"Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Psalm 82 shows us the positioning of God and where we stand in
regards to His judgement and our judgement.
This is heavy...
In verse one,
"God stands in the congregation of the mighty,
He judges among the gods."
For this Part 1, I will walk you through just a bit of this verse first, then I will deepen meanings more fully after.
Looking at the word "judges", we have "sabat", the Hebrew word as described in my introduction.
God is judging. Present tense.
He is judging among **the gods**.
Spoiler: I will get this over with for you... Quickly look at verse 6.
God is speaking and He says,
"I said, 'You are gods and all of you are children of the Most High."
How is this?
Genesis - When the devil told Eve that she would be "like God" if she ate
of the fruit of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good
and Evil,
he lied
Not just the results of eating of the alternate fruit.
Look at it these facts,
Genesis 3:5 The lie: "For God knows will be like God..."
Now, God already said when He made man,
Genesis 1:26, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..."
The word for "likeness" is the same as "kind", when God made every living thing and created it to bring forth
"after it's own kind".
What "kind" is God?
That's what kind.
We were made like Him.
In the Hebrew, the word meaning "likeness" is "likeness, figure, image, form"
And the Hebrew word translated image means "image" "...but refers to an object of worship, idol, phantom, fantasy, shadowy thing."
We know that God formed Adam from the dust of the ground.
Not clay, dust.
And what He did next tells it all...
Genesis 2:7 "...and (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life - and man became
a living being." Or in the KJV "a living soul."
"Man became a living Being" by God's very breath!
God made us to be - a "living being", two words which mean, respectively --
"life, state of living (in contrast to death), lifetime,, kin, band, army, ...alive, with an implication of that life has movement and vigor."
And - "breath, by extension: life, life force, soul, an immaterial part of a person, the seat of emotion and desire."
We were made to be a member of God's family, kin to God with the same life force,
alive like God with His life, moving, and being
with and IN God's life.
God's Spirit is Life!
Who is God's Spirit? The Holy Spirit of course!
Without delving into spirit/ soul teachings...
In short, He made us like Him,
and He said it was good.
So who are we if we are believing on Jesus?
We are God's family again,
in right relationship with God our Father,
and we are once again
through the blood of Jesus
good (righteous - made righteous )
...And where are we?
In God's sight, in His care,
in His presence!
Eternally in the cool of the day.
And Now,
we hear His heart about the prison doors and
setting others free
and helping others...
Because He helped us. Because He set us free.
Because we tasted and found God to be good to us,
specifically meeting our own individual need,
our need - deep inside us.
Our need of forgiveness.
Our need of acceptance with Him.
Our need FOR HIM.
The need for Our Father...
We know what happened about sin in history and we can be convinced about it,
because we have sinned and been ravaged by sin.
We know what sin is.
And we have known good and evil our whole lives.
It runs through us, this sap of the tree...
But now we are grafted into Jesus (the true vine, the root out of the dry ground - that is, having His own supply of Life... )
We find we are invited to be continual partakers of His life,
as we have received Jesus and opened our hearts to Him,
we are invited into more of God --
And we should be hungry for Him and what He offers us.
If you are not, that is something to talk with Jesus about.
Jesus IS the Tree of Life Who was in the garden that was rejected.
The Tree of Life... is now available to us.
That's a YES from our Father.
Jesus said to eat of Him -- His flesh, and drink of His blood.
Not naturally. But spiritually.
Not figuratively, but actually.
Jesus promised to "sup" with us if we let Him in the door.
That's eating - to sup.
This is spiritual - not emotional, intellectual, nor under our control.
And so...
God "judges among the gods"
and He has been clear about what His judgement is to do,
and as this psalm instructs,
He would want us to follow Him in His judging,
to set others FREE!
to HEAL!
To give them EXACTLY what we have received.
Here it is in the language for your review:
Psalm 82:1
The word for God is "EL", which is translated God.
This is the same word used for "gods" in verses 1 and 6.
El created us as
el without the capital letter.
Not what I expected to find out either linguistically,
but there it is, in writing.
Let us look at one more thing - to simply show the heart of our Lord --
"God stands"
The word "stands" is the word "nasab" in Hebrew, a verb meaning "to stand oneself before".
It both means "officer" and "official".
And it carries a meaning of
"to be wretched, exhausted" coupled with being an officer.
And so...
The One Who became wretched
for you,
and me,
Who exhausted Himself
for you
and me...
Is the One Who is
Our leader.
And ...
This word "nasab" also means "to station, set up, establish." And "to be set up, decreed".
So ...
This One also will
establish us,
station us.
A broken leader.
A caring judge.
Deeply, deeply wanting us to flow in His judgements with Him.
And so,
we are judged by Him...
Please see Part 2, coming very soon...
(As always, all quotes of The Holy Bible are from the New King James version, published by Thomas Nelson. Quotes of definitions and transliterations of Hebrew words are from The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, published by Zondervan.)
let me define the word, as used in this Psalm...
God "judges", which in Hebrew means that He "judges" (yes)
"decides, leads, defends, and vindicates".
This Hebrew word "sapat" has an extensive meaning that includes
"to execute judgement, to be brought to trial" and "to argue a matter".
Depending on which side of the cross you are on will determine
what kind of judgement you receive from God.
If you have accepted your need for a Savior and have recognized Jesus
is the Savior that God sent for you,
You know that God's judgement was that you needed His Salvation. :)
So by the judgement of God that came to pass through His Son, Jesus,
we know God's judgement is good, true and worth knowing,
And - for those of us who have accepted God's judgement against us and
our sin, and received His untold mercy to save us,
To us there is His judgement flowing still,
but it is His judgement
to do His will.
God has called us Who are now returned to relationship with our Father God,
to do His will.
Jesus did the will of His Father, and denied His own will. ( )
He said He did nothing of Himself. ( )
The word says He laid down His glory, His deity, His power as God
to become as a man,
to do God's will. ( )
He taught us to pray and said we would hear His voice, ( my sheep hear my voice )
so I believe we can conclusively say that --
We are called to live as Jesus lived -- in unity through Him with our Father,
One in purpose and One in testimony,
as Jesus prayed for us in John 15,
That we may be One with Him as He is One with His Father.
This includes His love, His mercy, His truth, and His judgement.
Which are hard to separate with our minds, but we find that we must look
at the heart of God expressed in His Word in order for us to give way
to understanding through the Holy Spirit.
First, look at Psalm 72 to see Who has all judgement already.
By the Holy Spirit we have Psalm 72:1 written with a picture,
"Give the king your judgements, O God and Your righteousness
to the king's Son."
This is prophetically spoken of Jesus, as a son of David as well as
a picture of God The King and The Son of God in a type: David and Solomon...
that God's judgements and His righteousness would be given
to His Son, Jesus.
(Note: Remember - the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.
The Old Testament had the truth, but it was in type and shadow,
the New Testament is the truths and plan of God revealed, shown to us plainly.)
And we have declared to us openly in the New Testament to support and show us --
In John 5 where Jesus explains...verse 26,
"For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son
to have life in Himself, **and has given Him authority to execute judgement**."
And then, we find Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of God, our Father,
in a position of ruling and reigning with God, "...and has sat down at the right hand
of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2 (c).
And in Revelation 3:21, Jesus says He is "sat down
**with My Father on His throne**."
With it being understood that Jesus is One with the Father on God's Throne,
If we like what we see of God's judgements through Jesus,
I believe, we can trust Him.
Do you agree?
This is Psalm 82 Flowing With God's Judgements - PART 1
"Let us not be weary in welldoing..." 2 Thessalonians 3:13 KJV,
or in the NKJV "do not grow weary doing good"...
We are not called to weariness, tiredness nor to faint!
We are promised that we will renew our strength if we wait on God.
So I hope you will wait with God with me on this Psalm,
and hear what God will say to your heart...
For our calling is sure, and it is more vast and encompasses more than we perhaps have been told?
We are called to know God, to know our Father, to know and
to walk in His paths...
Psalm 82 shares with us our calling --verses 3 and 4,
"Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy,
Free them from the hand of the wicked."
I can't think of anyone that I personally know who would not want to give their own time and energies,
even go to the wall for the sake of people who need defending, justice, release from affliction, and more...
This description is in other places in the Word,
and is worth studying to understand the nature of our calling.
However, because Jesus trained the disciples to walk like He walked,
to do as He did, we must realize that
We need this same training too!
We are not equipped until He equips us.
Meeting Jesus is not enough...
Do you know that God expects us to be able to do what He says
we can do through Him?
Do you know what Jesus gave the disciples to empower them to succeed at
what He instructed... And as we see, what He instructed, they accomplished?
That's right, the Holy Spirit. -- Jesus breathed on them and said
"Receive the Holy Ghost" ( ).
And then --
He sent them out.
We who have the benefit of the New Testament,
which is the revealing of God's hidden plan that was hidden for ages...
these being truths and teachings of what we have been created for
and what we are called to in Christ...
WE have both a high and holy calling...
What is your purpose? Read the New Testament and you will see.
Jesus said "Out of your bellies will flow rivers of living water."
You will experience the flowing of the river of God through you,
if you say 'Yes' to God's calling you.
Did you know there is a river of God?
Did you know He wants His river to flow through you?
Did you know that there is a flow?
To follow Jesus, we must choose God again, and again,
spend time on Him,
let Him empower us and reform us,
HIS way...
And turn from what Jesus turned from --
(You, Lord, are the potter, I am the clay.)
"Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Psalm 82 shows us the positioning of God and where we stand in
regards to His judgement and our judgement.
This is heavy...
In verse one,
"God stands in the congregation of the mighty,
He judges among the gods."
For this Part 1, I will walk you through just a bit of this verse first, then I will deepen meanings more fully after.
Looking at the word "judges", we have "sabat", the Hebrew word as described in my introduction.
God is judging. Present tense.
He is judging among **the gods**.
Spoiler: I will get this over with for you... Quickly look at verse 6.
God is speaking and He says,
"I said, 'You are gods and all of you are children of the Most High."
How is this?
Genesis - When the devil told Eve that she would be "like God" if she ate
of the fruit of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good
and Evil,
he lied
Not just the results of eating of the alternate fruit.
Look at it these facts,
Genesis 3:5 The lie: "For God knows will be like God..."
Now, God already said when He made man,
Genesis 1:26, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..."
The word for "likeness" is the same as "kind", when God made every living thing and created it to bring forth
"after it's own kind".
What "kind" is God?
That's what kind.
We were made like Him.
In the Hebrew, the word meaning "likeness" is "likeness, figure, image, form"
And the Hebrew word translated image means "image" "...but refers to an object of worship, idol, phantom, fantasy, shadowy thing."
We know that God formed Adam from the dust of the ground.
Not clay, dust.
And what He did next tells it all...
Genesis 2:7 "...and (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life - and man became
a living being." Or in the KJV "a living soul."
"Man became a living Being" by God's very breath!
God made us to be - a "living being", two words which mean, respectively --
"life, state of living (in contrast to death), lifetime,, kin, band, army, ...alive, with an implication of that life has movement and vigor."
And - "breath, by extension: life, life force, soul, an immaterial part of a person, the seat of emotion and desire."
We were made to be a member of God's family, kin to God with the same life force,
alive like God with His life, moving, and being
with and IN God's life.
God's Spirit is Life!
Who is God's Spirit? The Holy Spirit of course!
Without delving into spirit/ soul teachings...
In short, He made us like Him,
and He said it was good.
So who are we if we are believing on Jesus?
We are God's family again,
in right relationship with God our Father,
and we are once again
through the blood of Jesus
good (righteous - made righteous )
...And where are we?
In God's sight, in His care,
in His presence!
Eternally in the cool of the day.
And Now,
we hear His heart about the prison doors and
setting others free
and helping others...
Because He helped us. Because He set us free.
Because we tasted and found God to be good to us,
specifically meeting our own individual need,
our need - deep inside us.
Our need of forgiveness.
Our need of acceptance with Him.
Our need FOR HIM.
The need for Our Father...
We know what happened about sin in history and we can be convinced about it,
because we have sinned and been ravaged by sin.
We know what sin is.
And we have known good and evil our whole lives.
It runs through us, this sap of the tree...
But now we are grafted into Jesus (the true vine, the root out of the dry ground - that is, having His own supply of Life... )
We find we are invited to be continual partakers of His life,
as we have received Jesus and opened our hearts to Him,
we are invited into more of God --
And we should be hungry for Him and what He offers us.
If you are not, that is something to talk with Jesus about.
Jesus IS the Tree of Life Who was in the garden that was rejected.
The Tree of Life... is now available to us.
That's a YES from our Father.
Jesus said to eat of Him -- His flesh, and drink of His blood.
Not naturally. But spiritually.
Not figuratively, but actually.
Jesus promised to "sup" with us if we let Him in the door.
That's eating - to sup.
This is spiritual - not emotional, intellectual, nor under our control.
And so...
God "judges among the gods"
and He has been clear about what His judgement is to do,
and as this psalm instructs,
He would want us to follow Him in His judging,
to set others FREE!
to HEAL!
To give them EXACTLY what we have received.
Here it is in the language for your review:
Psalm 82:1
The word for God is "EL", which is translated God.
This is the same word used for "gods" in verses 1 and 6.
El created us as
el without the capital letter.
Not what I expected to find out either linguistically,
but there it is, in writing.
Let us look at one more thing - to simply show the heart of our Lord --
"God stands"
The word "stands" is the word "nasab" in Hebrew, a verb meaning "to stand oneself before".
It both means "officer" and "official".
And it carries a meaning of
"to be wretched, exhausted" coupled with being an officer.
And so...
The One Who became wretched
for you,
and me,
Who exhausted Himself
for you
and me...
Is the One Who is
Our leader.
And ...
This word "nasab" also means "to station, set up, establish." And "to be set up, decreed".
So ...
This One also will
establish us,
station us.
A broken leader.
A caring judge.
Deeply, deeply wanting us to flow in His judgements with Him.
And so,
we are judged by Him...
Please see Part 2, coming very soon...
(As always, all quotes of The Holy Bible are from the New King James version, published by Thomas Nelson. Quotes of definitions and transliterations of Hebrew words are from The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, published by Zondervan.)
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