The Winepress of the Lord --Observations about and from His winepress; emphasis on the press.

The scriptural plain of reference to help with understanding ~

1.) Psalm 75 - Father God is Judge and chooses whom (what, how) He exalts and also He puts down. In particular verses 6-10 concerning exaltation coming from Him and the cup of wine in the Lord's wine in His hand.
    2.) Jesus' parable regarding Eye of A Needle, a city gate that you had to unload your baggage to get through. Therefore, regarding reduction in the way we are called to go, from Matthew 19:24.

3.) Isaiah 64:8, "But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter." (NKJV)
    4.) Jesus' parables about new wineskins needed for new wine. Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22, and Luke 5:37-39. And the purification of wine being poured into containers to allow for leeds to settle.

5.) The refining of silver as indicated to us in Psalm 66:10. And also in Zechariah 13:9 prophesying of those who are to come who will walk with God. And Hebrews 12:28, because our God is a consuming fire.
   6.) Numbers 28:7 " the holy place shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured unto the Lord for a drink offering." Coupled with 1 Corinthians 11:25, 26.

7.) We are called to be being sanctified, and it is a processing. See Hebrews 10:14.

And  finally...
    8.) To me, my Lord Jesus "is as wine poured forth", my words or perhaps I've heard them somewhere besides my innermost being. They are in recognition of the fulfillment of the sacrifice of my Lord and Savior, Y'sua - Jesus Christ, given for me as a drink offering for my sake. The sweetest wine poured forth for me...

And how shall I repay Him?

Some notes...    Psalm 75 - I was thinking of His Judgement - His way - in our interior too - cutting off exalted horns of wickedness, lifting us in His righteousness.
Verse 3 "...I set up its pillars firmly" is a hebrew phrase I have studied prior, and it means "I bear up the presence of God". God's presence. Jesus bore the presence of the Lord and established The Kingdom of God in the earth (even us). Ah, to be His pillar (Revelation 3:12).
...And how shall the New Jerusalem descend to earth and be established without His pillars? That's a question for the fully bible studious ones. (Keep reading if that does not ring in you as it does myself.)

But God deals with the boastful - the horn - the stiffness of neck etc.
   Exhaltation comes from the Lord, not ourselves. 

   The Lord's judgement is with His mercy, else we would not be saved at all! Judgement is His way of moving in our interior (Psalm 24 entering into us ready to do battle) ...and in us He cuts off any horns of wickedness by His sheer might and power to do so, and lifts us up in Himself, into His righteousness. (Sooo not our work.)
   This being marked as a reality of His mercy, His ability to see what is what, and what to do in us... boasting ceases. By grace are we saved (Ephesians 2:8,9): grace is His favor, His character, His attention on us. Boasting is not possible with true grace working IN us.

    But in the mystery of God's ways with us begins to unfold in some pressure on our beings, to open us up. God starts to move with a pressure upon us that is not our own design, but His. And this becomes a known sensation, an unpleasant working on us, unpleasant to our feelings, our fleshly desires. And we are not our own, as we find out.
    Knowing I have experienced this, it is right for me to send you these observations, to log them and help anyone who comes here to know.

    Firstly and foremostly, Jesus was pressed for us - sacrificed and poured out for many. See Isaiah 53:10-12 and listen to the line, " pleased the Lord to bruise Him." I ask myself, "Am I greater than my Master?" And in my tearful knowledge of the agony of my soul, I love the Lord and His touch and understand that no, I am not.
    We follow His lead and are pressed. There is pleasure in the pressing for God, our Master. We are pressed for His pleasure.
    Remember, we are the branches, but the fruit comes from the Vine, from Him, and is His and Father's fruit, and it is of the Holy Spirit. We do not grow it, tend it, prune it, judge it. God judges. And prunes.

    Faith in Him takes time to grow. Certain areas need more time than others. Bearing fruit in season and then more the next, allowing growth to take its course. Pastors bring flocks to pasture, but the food that they eat is Jesus, the Manna, and His sheep find good pasture in Him.

   "Yet for Your (His) sake we are killed all day long" Psalm 44:22. Fruit unto Him. His jurisdiction.
His anointed cannot be controlled by those who are open in part, so then it is not genuine openness. Limited faith in God. Been there. And been closed. Cracking open before the Lord - the splitting is needed. We need to see what little we have. "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 5. Rags are exchanged. 

    Waiting on God: Some things we think we know but we are really only starting to know. That waiting is so subservient, so low, so yielded, He may put us on the altar or the winepress. He may put our fruit into the press.

     His fruit.
Wine poured out like His Son. We are not above Him. Horns not exalted above His Son's.

    Pressure of the Holy Spirit.
A title of a book I once heard of, "Others Can, You Cannot".
The bridle of the Lord is upon us. Bride and bridle are similar words. The Bride is given to development, given to birthing maturity, after hiding the larger, the youthful, the fruitfulness coming to birthing... NEW ministry for the earth via lives laid down.

    Processing of God.
He might finish with me one season and break me, add water, re-mold me, fashion me better for His purposes.

    Memoirs not needed. New seasons will catch us away, into His presencing where there will be breaking and making, sacrifice and new birthing of life, old things uprooted - lifted away - separations, sanctification, processing processing... wine poured into other wine bottles and leeds left behind, dregs removed. Settling us in to new places -

    Purifying as silver is refined
Fire under us, we are on the fire, can't get away. Not a day of refreshing but experiencing losing, separation, a hiding, a sheltering, but a personal (-ity) scattering, during the Divine operation. God up to His elbows in your life - His hands encompassing you but you're out of control - YOU ARE NOT, NO LONGER in control. What you thought you had is gone, and your hope HAS TO be settled - has to reach out to Jesus - and become planted and rooted in Him. (*sunshine!)

    There's No other Way to survive, but to hope to live again through Him, while in the processing we hope in the end, the resultant end of His ways, Him having His way in and with us.

    No bargaining and no feelings of sorrow over your own life will save you from His best intentions for you. You are in the Maker's hands, the Master Artisan, The Craftsman of your very life and being. You are "caught up" into heavenly places where you have no control, but you are hidden in His workshop, covered in His intention, held in and by His desire, ...realizing your submission to Father God and your prayers have brought you into the holding place where He applies His pressures, His fingers carving, feeling you to your depths, making you more and more pliable and less and less resistant to His way, His cause. The vision is not our own, it is HIs.

    So look into His eyes and don't bother fighting back. Be thankful and admire Him. There in His face is the love and grace you need to carry you into the forthcoming fire. But you will be fashioned for fire!!! You will be molded for depths beyond depths of His firey heart, melded and imprinted to your being. What wine you will carry! What joy! What glory! He is your life, your joy, your testimony --your story! The dross is loss! The treasury opened -- for it is Him: Treasure beyond treasure, Love beyond loves, giving you Life beyond life. You are not alone, but in the Master's hands, learning unity with His desire, finding Him your focus, called apart to His attention to all your details, and... you will be.

    You will be His, utterly, devotedly, unreservedly.  You will be His treasured vessel, useful in accord with His plan for you, passing into the realms of His glory resting in and on you, wholly beautiful in His sight, fully formed, without spot, blemish.

    He Who works His work knows all things. Relax. Gaze deeply. Be filled with awe. Let Him have His way with you. The best is yet to come! (His best is The Best!) 

(By way of reminder, what I dispense in my public writings are sometimes like this, excerpts from my journal with scriptures added in to assist the reader. I am not editng to perfection, but leaving the cry and the flow as it was as it came from my depths, my creative writing from my creationship, having been created and fashioned to write by Father God, Creator, Whom I love and trust in. Thanks for reading and receiving it as it is. But of course, yes, drizzle some honey on it from your kitchen and let the Lord Himself break bread with you. You won't be disappointed.)


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