
Showing posts from May, 2019

Leaning Upon Christ, His Governance Alone and His Peace

“...and the government shall be upon his shoulder.” - Isaiah 9:6 There is a sweetness in Christ Jesus awaiting us, which we find when we begin to learn to lean upon Him. It often takes circumstances that are difficult which stir us from our own comfort to find this place of leaning on and trusting the Lord Himself. Today, I responded from my heart with joy to this verse as an intimate element of my life and heart, finding Christ Jesus as my governor, my personal overseer to care for me. My leaning upon Him, even upon His arm, His shoulder, as I walk. (*Sigh!) There is a yoke we find in Christ that He calls us to enter into, a covenant place yes, a place of teaming up, of cooperation with Him, and it can be resultantly found by way of a challenge to us in our emotional disposition of how we handle life. There is a crossing of our will to get into that yoke. There is an equating of letting Him lead as an oxen team has a lead oxen and a following oxen; guess which...