
Showing posts from June, 2015

Psalm 82: Flowing With God's Judgements PART II

For the bit more experienced in the Word of God, or the hungry -- maybe to see if they want more experience. (Not for everybody. Yet. That's ok.) With all the hype and talk about what has happened in our great country, I have decided to continue to try to "put to pen" the little piece of truth in my heart; something that God keeps speaking to me. My heart on this is to write towards one goal:  That we hear and follow Jesus, our Head, and rely ON Him, instead of and not on our own faulty understandings. For we without Him, we can do nothing... Nothing that is of His will, that counts as / produces good fruit / hits the mark that He is aiming us to hit. And He is aiming us... We are in this world, but not of this world. We are designed to be like God, created in His image, created with a need for dependence on Him. We were severely brought low (destitute) and completely separated from God by sin, (Gen 3) which entered the heart of man genetically, death and striving and a...

The Wilderness: Some Observations From There

The Wilderness is... Being set aside. Being alone with God. Being refined / changed. Reliance on God is all you have for resources. Wildernesses are not fruitful lands, lands of plenty, places of provision of themselves. But you are with The One Who IS your Provider. Therefore, manna falls from Heaven to feed you. Nothing wears out, everything lasts, including you. You live in the wilderness on God's provision, which takes over the natural and moves beyond the limits of the natural, and if you appreciate HIM the wilderness becomes a place of resting from your natural efforts... Difficulty, crisis, a loss of any kind or all kinds, uncontrollable circumstances, utmost difficulty that you cannot see your way through, all may produce a wilderness. Especially when this happens right after a God-meeting, such as accepting Jesus as your Savior, or coming into a place of honoring Him more deeply, but some momentous spiritual happening that makes you free. And th...